Monday, 5 May 2014

The Conversation of Recovery

Transformational Counseling is all about assisting another human being to live a life that they love and to live it powerfully.  Transformational Counseling is about creating a space for others to learn how to transform their lives, to live a life differently from how it was in the past, to truly create what they desire.  Transformational Counseling is about assisting others in their getting and utilizing a powerful technology that will enable them to make a true difference in their life and in the lives of others.  Transformational Counseling is about assisting another to become present to how they have stopped themselves in their life and in the process transform their way of being in the world.  While comprised of a variety of distinctions that are important for understanding the process of transformation, the utilization of Transformational Counseling has five interrelated components that are crucial to its successful use with others and even with oneself.  

Friday, 4 April 2014

Solve Problems With A Word List

To creatively solve problems you need to get your mind looking in new directions. You can systematically do this by using a list of words, primarily adjectives, to create "what if?" scenarios. You start with the question, "what if it was..." and then insert a word from the list. The "it" in the question is the problem you're trying to solve, or the solution or situation that exists now.

Using "What If" To Solve Problems

An example will help explain the process. Assume your house is too crowded because you're running your business from it. You ask, "What if it was..." and insert from the word list, "smaller." The house is already too small, but could the business be smaller? The word "divided" might give you the idea to keep the business in just one part of the house.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Problem Solving Games For Groups

Problem solving games are a natural when you want brain exercise and fun. Some of the best problem solving games can be played as a group. The added element of competition and "showing off" can stimulate some truly creative ideas. These games are especially good for long trips in a car, or for bored kids trapped inside by bad weather.

Best Ideas GameThis game uses a problem solving technique called "random presentation," and might even lead to some good money-making ideas. First, have someone look out the window or around the room and choose any object at random. Don't put any restrictions on this. It can be a rock on the side of the road, a stick laying in the yard, a truck, or anything at all.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

New Inventions I Would Like To See

Do you want to create money-making new inventions? Not me. I just like to dream them up. Here are some of the new ideas I would love to see created in reality. I hope a reader or two will do something with them.

New Inventions For OutdoorsFree-standing tents without poles: The idea here is to have two inflatable sleeves that criss-cross over the top of a dome-style tent. Perhaps the rigidity would be insufficient for windy nights, but it's worth a try. Make them inflatable from inside, and you could quickly crawl inside and out of the rain to inflate it.

Friday, 3 January 2014

Movement Spreads Quickly as a "Good Virus”

Inspired by a practice and simple idea to help the most abandoned, "The World Movement of Direct Help to the Poor" is spreading quickly all over the world, The idea was born in the indigenous community “San Juan of Yanác”, a poor and small Andean community located in the Department of Cajamarca, 500 kilometers to the northeast of Lima, capital of Peru.

In San Juan the life lapses calm and serene among the luminous beauty of the mountains and the silent dignity of the Andean poverty. The climate is excellent, the pure air and the intensely blue sky. There, doña Rosario Ravines lived and served throughout her 90 years old to the poorest people in her town. One day, doña Rosario was visited by some old and abandoned husbands. She gave them the only thing that she had, some potatoes.

When she returned from the kitchen she found a moving scene, the old men were on knees, praying and thanking to God with tears in the eyes. Hours later a cheerful and smiling young arrived to the house saying : dear aunt, I am bringing you these recently harvested potatoes, - some ten pounds more than what she gave -. In that moment the "Miracle of Sharing" was born : “give without hoping to receive and receive more than what was given” and there the "World Movement of Direct Help to the Poor" was also born. To join to the Movement is very easy. You should only formulate the following promise and keep it ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starting from today, I PROMISE you, my GOD, that once a month,every month, every year, all my life, I will leave the street and I will give some bread, a charity, or something useful to the first poor person that I find in my way” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If millions give something every month,- millions, - poorer than us -, will receive something,every month. That is the essence of the Movement : GIVE. and share with the poorest To preach with the example the website of the movement,, shares freely some topics of interest like " Cancer Cure Formula

Revealed ", "Fibromyalgia: I Myself Was Treated", “Enlarged Prostate Natural Treatment " Impotence Alternative Treatment” and other themes more. In addition it is in construction the “World Bank of Free Business Ideas” - If you have a good business idea, send it and share it with the other ones. Remember, there is more happiness in giving than in receiving. If the life has given you something good, it is time of sharing a little bit with the other ones.